Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Vegetable Heaven - Blooming Hill Farm, New York

Since our pesky jobs always seem to interfere with our shopping at the Nyack Farmer’s Market, Beth and Sonia and I make what is now a traditional “pilgrimage” to Blooming Hill Farm for (all organic!) Thanksgiving vegetables. Why, you might be asking, are you going there when you got that big ole haul from your vegetable co-op just last Thursday? Well, I needed a few things to round out my ingredients for Thanksgiving cooking, but in truth, I just like to be there.

Their market is in beautiful old wood building heated by wood burning stoves and lit with strings of lights.

There’s a café that sells fresh baked pies and cookies, and there are always a few yummy brunch entrees available. On Sunday we devoured some excellent black bean soup with croutons, salad and cheese.

You can typically find some unusual items that aren’t in the supermarkets, like burdock, celeriac, and fingerling potatoes, and even some suggested recipes. (The farmers themselves are super-nice people who have also been known to give generous discounts on post-season pumpkins for school fundraisers.)

I’m always impressed with their decorative cuttings, too. They have what is known as a “Foraging License, ” which allows them go into restricted state-owned properties and gather fresh rosehips, winter berries, red dogwood branches, witch hazel, teasel, fern centers, moss sumac and various greenery like white pine, juniper and cedar.


  1. What a charming place, and a nice way to get into the Thanksgiving spirit!

    Wishing you and your family a Happy and peaceful Thanksgiving Day!

  2. Hey, that is my type of place, most definitely. And I like your planting badge! clever

  3. I meant to add, you've got some beautiful photos, too.

  4. Yum-is Thanksgiving today? Your dog is beautiful, I have two very similar to him. Love those goldens. Happy Thanksgiving.

  5. Hi JGH,

    Your blog looks great...I look forward to visiting often. Thanks for visiting me earlier... I'll be sure to add you to my fave blog list, and if you do same, we can follow each other's Hudson Valley exploits!

  6. There's a farm just a few miles north of me that looks very much like this place. I know what you mean about just wanting to be there, whether you need to or not. Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. That truly is a grand place. I would want to go too--and very often. I have never seen burdock. I like the watering cans on the fence!

  8. Some pretty pictures.

    I have a tag for you.

  9. Hi Jen, what a fabulous place. I don't blame you a bit for going there even if you have a super haul from your own place. That soup and cheese are perfect on a chilly day. I am really impressed with the red berries in the metal pails, what a simple yet beautiful decoration. Yes yes yes to the wreath class! Hope your holiday was the best ever.

  10. Joanne - hope you and your family had a terrific holiday!

    Tut, you must mean my new Folia badge. Great site for recording planting dates and comparing progress with other gardeners.

    Tina, I would love to have a golden, too. My dog is a miniature poodle - I haven't put her photo up here in awhile -- gotta do that soon.

    Eyes of the World - welcome! I subbed to your blog and will also be adding you to the blogroll.

    Pam, something about this farm just lures me there this time of year.

    Anna, I'm sorry that my burdock picture wasn't better. I'll take another one next time I'm there just for you.

    Linda - thanks for the tag! Still deciding what to write about...

    Frances, thanks for popping over. I really love those berries too.

  11. I have to check out that farm --I pass by the area often enough --


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