Saturday, March 14, 2009

Garden Bloggers (Underwater) Bloom Day - March 15, 2009

It’s been months since I’ve been able to properly participate in Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, hosted monthly by Carol at May Dreams Gardens. I miss it, but I do like visiting the blogs of my friends who are blooming around the country.

So today I’ve decided to share a few pics of these “flowers” that I took at the New York Aquarium last month. They’re actually animals….like coral, they have no skeleton and their “petals” are tentacles that are used to sting their prey. Anemone have been known to grow up to 3 feet in diameter! Not many flowers can make that claim.

Here is one real bloom that I am able to share. It’s my Christmas Cactus, blooming 3 months late -- on the cusp of daylight savings time, no less. It seems like my crocuses will be late too. Merry Christmas, garden elves!


  1. I feel like I'm underwater too with all this rain. Interesting post

  2. Awesome 'blooms' -including the cactus bloom. Maybe it is an Easter cactus instead of a Christmas cactus?

  3. Nice captures! One of my Christmas cacti had one bloom; the other, none.

  4. We are under water here too (freezing rain, ugh) but no "flowers" as lovely as your anemones! Great idea. I have a Xmas cactus that has never bloomed. Then again, I have never done anything but neglect it. Maybe a project for a rainy day like today! Happy bloom day, and maybe next month there will be some from your garden (outdoors).

  5. Happy bloom day. Love the seaflowers.

    I neglected to impose dormancy on my amaryllis in time to get Christmas blooms, so now I will have April flowers from them.

    It's all good.

  6. Your blog is beautiful and these underwater shots just jump off the dark page...they are fantastic....gail

  7. Love your take on flowers ... so pretty! It won't be long now until your soil-bound flowers will be blooming!

  8. How exotic! And I love the tchotchke letter concept — plus what a treasure those photos/diary are.

  9. You're so right - those anemones really do look like flowers. Their colors are fantastic.

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