Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Theme Thursday: Summer

Have you ever attended a preschool graduation where one kid’s shoe fell off, another gets the giggles and can’t stop,
one is either pulling on his underwear or picking his nose, one forgets the words to the song and at least one decides she’d prefer to watch the whole thing from the comfort of her mommy’s lap?

Have you ever walked on the rocks in toe-numbing cold rushing water on a day when it was so hot you wouldn’t think of wearing anything but your bathing suit to hike in?

Have you ever spent the afternoon browsing a flea market, sure that if you spend enough time pawing through others’ old junk, you’ll certainly find The Treasure That Was Meant for You, but wound up empty-handed? Have you ever had such great luck at a flea market that you’ve wished you’d taken out more cash and brought a U-haul trailer?

Have you ever picked wildflowers in a meadow and been jealous because your cousin made a prettier bouquet than yours?

Have you ever been secretly glad when your cousin who bragged and flaunted her better bouquet got stung by a bee?

Did you ever drink water from the front yard hose after first waiting for the warm water to finish coming out and that metallic/rubber taste to go away? Have you ever played in a wading pool that had fresh-mown grass clippings floating in it?

Have you ever crammed yourself into an amusement park ride that was meant for kiddies and felt no embarrassment whatsoever?
Have you ever been there when a kid discovers he can turn the big wheel in the middle of the Tilt-a-Whirl and make it spin all by himself?

Have you ever gone on vacation and met some kids staying in your hotel or campground that you become best friends with for four intense days and then you never see or hear from them again?

Have you ever made a sandcastle and then gone inside to have lunch only to find out that the tide has come in while you were gone and the castle has completely disappeared?

Have you ever made a sandcastle and come back days later to the thrill and surprise of finding it still intact?

Can you imagine doing any of these things at any time other than SUMMER?


  1. This looks like so much fun! No wonder we love summer!! I"m going to miss the banner zinnias, but the hyacinth bean looks great, still waiting for mine to start flowering. Summer is the best, too bad it all comes to an end.

  2. I have done nearly all of these things, in summer, and I thank you for letting me revisit them! Lovely summery post.

  3. You have perfectly captured summer in this post! If these are photos of days with your children, then you are truly giving them a gift they will cherish forever, wonderful childhood summers. There's something in those sweet summers of long ago that we tend to find again each and every summer, don't you think?

  4. the pics of the kids at play are amazing and bring summer time to life. the little one int he superman shirt...makes me think of my boys! enjoy your summer!

  5. I love it! And "yes" to all but the first one, tho" I'm sure Mom must have snaps somewhere :^O

  6. Ahhhh -- great summer moments! I posted a pool pic yesterday too--it's my new favorite.

  7. Done some, but not all, of those things. And yeah, definitely need the Summer to do them all in! :)

  8. Such a sweet summer post! You really captured some magical summer moments. Those children were all adorable.

  9. Awesome post! I've done all of these. The little kiddo graduation is priceless. I had forgotten about making friends on summer vacations and never seeing them again.

  10. OH WONDERFUL!!!! I especially LOVE the flea market...and when you LEAST expect to find a treasure...you find a HALF DOZEN too amazing to pass up!!!
    Happy TT!
    Jill from The Glen

  11. "Yes" to almost everything!!! Great shots.

    I posted a shot of my own kindergarten graduation on my other blog, and got myself in trouble! (It's at http://davidzrantz.blogspot.com/2009/03/following-is-photo-from-my-kindergarten.html, if you're interested in seeing the "edited" version, which tells the story, more or less.)

  12. I can relive most of those things from childhood years or my daughter's childhood. Thanks for bringing back memories that put a smile on my face.


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