Friday, February 26, 2010

Frost Valley Winter Fun Awards 2010

The votes are in!

Best body toboggan - the whole tribe.

Best View - Hyde Watson Ridge

Bravest With a Snake - Zane

Best Hike – Maple Sugaring with Amber

Scariest Tube Launch – Maeve and Aria

Loudest Tube Lauch - Steve (and it’s on tape)

Best Cross Country Skiiers – Beth, Maeve, Sonia & Jeremy (Beth and Maeve are so good, you can’t even see them – they disappeared that fast!)
Least Confident Skiier - Jen (a rare moment upright)

Cutest Bunk Mate - Elsa

Best Babysitter - Evelyn

Best Icicles – Rainbow ice on Rt. 47
Best African Dancer - Dea (a.k.a. "Pogo Girl")

Best Climber – Carlo

Best Climbing in Snow Pants - Janine

Best "House of the Rising Sun" Rendition – Campfire Singalong with Alumni Guitarists

Most Colorful Hat – Layla

Most Colorful Face – Xeta

Best Field Trip – World’s Largest Kaleidoscope Museum (thanks to Squirrel, who knows all things Catskills.)

Most Intriguing Sign - Emu Ranch

Got any more awards?  Add them in the comments section!


  1. A big shout out to POGO GIRL from one of your fans!

  2. Dennis says the emu & ostrich ranch is mighty mighty stinky on a hot humid summer day. Dennis nearly fainted.

  3. Wow, you get the Gold Medal for best Blog Awards Post! Looks like everyone had a blast :)

  4. Wow! best of the best! Looks like lots of fun all around.

    I can't believe you can't handle the x-country skis. Even I can do that!

  5. What a fun post. Hey! I don't see my name there. Great pictures. Loved the human toboggan.

  6. Wow you got them all! MY New award goes to Jennifer for best award giver! Haha enjoyed reading this post. -Evelyn

  7. aria wins the award for abandoning me at the bottom of the hillas soon as we got to the ground she jumped out of the tube and ran away!!!!!

  8. That was pure fun to read and enjoy! Looks like a fabulous time was had by everyone and everyone had such great activities to participate in!

  9. Nice post and pictures. The sign IS intriguing--no coffee or rolls? Odd. And I like seeing you upright on your skis. I got out my creaky old cross country skis this winter too, and you look just like I did: standing stationary most of the time.

  10. Great awards, I win "best hurt feelings" for not getting an award....Ha! Janine

  11. Oh miss out!! I could have been best curling haired climber or somthing! You guys look like you have a lot of fun while I was home in Brooklyn dreaming in Hindi! Fun fun. Must do back yard pool when the time comes! You know the melted snow trip! Em

  12. Love the pics from the cabin trip!! I miss out! Sorry home dreaming in Hindi! Emilie


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