The stone patio has it's advantages. It would certainly be low maintenance. And you could put a table on it and surround it with containers.
This homeowner put in some nice evergreens which would look pretty in the wintertime etched in snow, or covered in twinkly lights. I see their appeal.
Some opted for a lawn. This one has a lone ornament.
One parent packed their patch with toys - and a swimming pool!
Lots of these small yards were sloped. This gardener made the most of it by packing it with pretty perrennials.
Although I didn't photograph them, lots of people were growning vegetables, in and out of containers. Mostly tomatoes and peppers. One yard even had a lone pumpkin vine.
A colorful neighborhood I hope to visit again.
So many different interpretations; I think I like the toys and the garden. Although I might change my mind in the winter, when I'm sure the evergreen owner lights up!
Amazing that each, in its own way, has a distinct personality.
Love that you are featuring the street gardens of Philly and also that you are out there beating the bushes for more Obama voters! :) Way to go!
i'm with Tut Tut--good series of photos.
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