Are you also the type of person who, in this age of
information overload, tucks tidbits of interest into the files of your brain,
intending to follow up on them later?
Only to forget until something occurs to jostle the memory files? Maybe I need a
brain more like that of the chickadee, expanding and contracting and adapting
as needed by the season.
So the black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) are back at
the feeders, and so is my memory of reading something extraordinary about the chickadee brain last year and wanting to investigate. Of all the wild birds that visit,
the chickadees seem to be the most fearless and friendly. In fact, they’re often the only ones that
aren’t afraid to approach even after I’ve appeared on the deck, pointing a
camera at them. Frustratingly, they are
also among the quickest and most reluctant to pose.

Another study, done by Vladamir Pradosudov at University of
Nevada in Reno showed that when birds live in harsher conditions, such as
Alaska, they not only find more food than those in milder climates, but they’re
better at finding their caches, have better spatial memories, and have larger
brains than the same species in Colorado.
Wishing you an open-minded, peaceful and rejuvenating New
Long ago and far away (in western Mass), there was a couple who produced something called the Chicka-Feeder, which is a bird's nest on a forked stick. The idea is that you put seed in the nest and the chickadees will eventually come to you to feed.
Have you also noticed how bold and unafraid hummingbirds are? They will come within a foot of my face and look me in the eye!
Happy New Year to you, JGH. I plan on much more blogging and blog reading/commenting in 2013.
Oh, nice post. I enjoyed reading it.
These guys (the chickadees) will sit on the birdbath and look at me till I put water in it. And don't get between them and their food!
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