Monday, August 4, 2008

Our School Garden

For the past three years or so I've volunteered on the committee that takes care of the school courtyard. Although I wasn't as active on the committee this year, I managed to get a few things in the ground. There are an unbelievable amount of possibilities, opportunities and ideas floating around this half acre. We're hoping to get as many perennial fruits and vegetables growing there as we can and also plant as many vegetables with the kids -- that can be harvested by the kids -- as we can. My fellow committee members and I have other goals - that are sometimes even in agreement with each other's and the curriculum!

This year we don't seem to be doing any official summer maintenance, so I've been feeling a bit cut off. I went over and took these pictures in the hope of re-connecting.

I planted this bean teepee with my son's class. The beans harvested are purple, green and gold. I'm afraid some of them may have been bush beans, but we have enough on poles to make it effective.

We got 6 new vegetable beds and a few more vegetables were planted, It pains me though, to see the three empty beds with nothing growing in them.

Not much happening in the greenhouse right now.

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