So today, F is for Fruit. I wish I could remember how I started this collection and which was my first piece.
Pineapple is a popular fruit for tableware.
So is watermelon.
There’s a special dish here to hold a sliced banana.
The one main requirement for this collection is that the dish must be IN THE SHAPE of a fruit!
Relatives have given me lovely items that have fruit painted or otherwise depicted on them. These have a special place in my heart and on my table, but they don’t qualify for the collection because they are not shaped like fruit.
Pretty, but no. You can be honest if you think this is the ugliest tableware you've ever seen. I got 20 pieces of it at a yard sale for $5.
What is this? A napkin holder? A model for the top of Carmen Miranda’s headpiece?
When we get to letter V, I’ll show you the vegetables!
If you have tchotchke (and who doesn’t) why not join Tchotchke Queens Pam J and God Bless Ya’ll Real Good and I for letter G?
G? I don't know.
Pineapples are the symbol of welcome!
Anita Desai: I've never read anything by her. I think her best knows is Baumgartner's Bombay. She and Junot Díaz either share the same teaching position, or she had it and now he has it. They seemed very close.
A fabulous, fabulous collection! Especially the banana boats. I gotta get me some of those. And I'm always attracted to watermelon tableware. I think it's the seeds. And, um, the $5 20-piece set? Interesting. Baffling also. Wouldn't you love to meet the artist who designed it? This exercise in revealing tchotchkes has taught me that I THOUGHT I had a lot of tchotchkes but what I really have is a lot of junk.
Love, love your fruity tableware! You must have a lot of really fun dinners going on there. So many times I come to your blog, and leave craving my own collections - the vintage coffee/tea cups, and now fruit dishes! Tag Sale season, here I come!
That blue fruit stuff --My aunt had that stuff back in the olden days ( 1970 ) Mesmerizing!
I like fun tableware. Fruit is good.
Tut! Are you thinking about joining us for G?? I hope so! Didn't know that about Pineapples.
Pam, the blue tableware came from Japan - it might be hard to track down the designer :-) BTW, your junk rocks!
Joanne, I should use them more for every day dinners. I get them out when I entertain, but why wait?
Squirrel, I can't believe that someone else had the blue stuff! Cool!
I absolutely adore your collection of ceramic fruit! Anywhere I go, the fruit motif catches my eye.
They're so colorful and shiny . . . and cheerful!
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!
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